

Hi there! I'm Bethany.

I am a wedding and portrait photographer in Camden, NSW.  I have been shooting weddings for more than 12 years, and love love love people.

I am married to Simon - THE most gentle man you've ever met. We have three little boys Isaiah (9), Sonny (8) and Ezra (5).  I'm pretty tired, ha! Becoming a parent has made me appreciate photography more, I crave images of my loves around my house - and recognise the value of personal art with you in it!

I could buy ALL THE THINGS in Kmart - no joke. I sing - loudly - often! I wish all food tasted like chocolate. I totally snore (poor Simon). I once had a 10 hour bath. I cry often - at almost every wedding. I'm deathly allergic to peanuts. I'm a creative, but I also love maths.

When I'm enjoying taking photos, I say the most ridiculous things. Seriously. The stuff coming out of my mouth... so dumb. I always leave a shoot thinking that I just might have found my new best friends (watch out!).

I adore love. I think it's going to change the world.  I love finding beauty. It's soul refreshing. And I would love to capture whatever moment you’re at.

B xx


I'd love to meet you!